Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is AcarZero™?
2. How does the AcarZero™ device work?
3. How long does it take for the AcarZero™ to achieve its effects?
4. What are ultrasound waves?
5. Are ultrasound waves dangerous?
6. Can the AcarZero™ device disturb my dog or cat?
7. Can the AcarZero™ BED device be installed on any mattress?
8. Can the AcarZero™ PILLOW device be used with my current pillow?
9. How many AcarZero™ BED devices must/can I install on my mattress?
10. Do I have to install an AcarZero™ HOME device in each room?
11. Do the AcarZero™ devices replace the common preventive medicine recommended for dust mite allergy sufferers?
12. What is the best defence possible against dust mites for severe allergy sufferers?
13. What are the 4 levels of defence recommended by AcarZero™ for the bedroom?
14. Why do I have to register my AcarZero™ device online?
15. I installed an AcarZero™ device a few days ago but have not seen any improvement.
16. I have to replace my AcarZero™ device but the shop where I purchased it has moved or no longer carries the product
17. How long does an AcarZero™ device last? Does it have to be kept on both day and night?
18. If the AcarZero Home device is set behind a curtain or a bedside table, will it work anyway?
19. If I set an AcarZero™ HOME device in the bedroom, why do I need to use the other devices as well? Does it eliminate the dust mites throughout the room?
20. I can't apply the AcarZero™ BED on my mattresses. Is setting two AcarZero™ HOME devices in the bedroom, facing toward the mattress, an acceptable solution to eliminate (or decrease the number of dust mites)?
21. Does it only affect dust mites or also humidity-induced mould mites?
22. Why can't I use the AcarZero™ BED device on a "climate control" or "natural" mattress, but only an a "hypo-allergenic" model?
23. When my AcarZero™ PILLOW device expires, do I have to replace the pillowcase as well?
24. Is the AcarZero™ pillowcase made of natural materials? Does it breathe?
25. What is the difference between the AcarZero™ pillowcases and the dust mite-proof pillowcases on the market?
26. I am allergic to dust mites and my allergies are particularly severe in the fall and winter while they nearly disappear in the warm weather. During that period can I deactivate the AcarZero™ device?
27. If I purchase an AcarZero™ device on-line, how quickly will I receive it?
28. When I replace the AcarZERO™ BED device, will I have to wait another 90 days to reach the maximum effect?
29. What is the difference in the effectiveness of the ACTIV™ pillow and the AcarZero™ pillowcase?
30. Is it possible to determine how many dust mites AcarZero™ actually destroys? When the red light is on, does it provide any indication of this?
31. I turned on AcarZero™ BED and AcarZero™ PILLOW. The red light is off. It only goes on and flashes when I push the button… Are these devices working? Should the red light remain on or off?
1. What is AcarZero™?
AcarZero™ is an electronic device that is totally safe for humans and household pets. It can significantly reduce dust mite concentrations in already infested mattresses and pillows and prevent them from colonizing healthy environments. Moreover, it does so without using any chemicals that could be harmful to human health.
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2. How does the AcarZero™ device work?
The AcarZero™ electronic dust mite controller emits sound waves most commonly known as "ultrasound" waves, waves that cannot be perceived by the human ear. However, they are quite disturbing to the dust mites: they mate less, lose their appetites and, consequently, die out.
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3. How long does it take for the AcarZero™ to achieve its effects?
You see results immediately! AcarZero™ immediately prevents dust mites from colonizing healthy environments and thus they will remain dust mite free. This is why it is important to apply it even on new mattresses and pillows.
Instead, in rooms that are already infested with dust mites, while it does start working immediately, the maximum effect will be reached approximately 90 days after installation. Nevertheless, as demonstrated by the Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory at the University of Camerino, Italy, just 50 days after activation a dramatic reduction is seen in the dust mite population and thus in the source of allergic reactions.
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4. What are ultrasound waves?
Ultrasound waves are mechanical sound waves. In other words, they simply vibrate the air - like a normal sound, a melody, the human voice, a radio programme -, the only difference is that they fall within a frequency range (around 40,000 Hz) that the human ear cannot perceive. In fact, the human ear can, under the best conditions (a child's ear), perceive sounds ranging between 16 and 18,000 Hz.
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5. Are ultrasound waves dangerous?
Since they are simply vibrating air, ultrasound waves are nothing like the electromagnetic radiation - like the radio waves emitted by most electronics devices (mobile telephones, tablets, Wi-Fi, etc.) - and thus they cannot even cause interference with any electronics. Therefore we can affirm that the ultrasound waves emitted by the AcarZero™ devices are completely safe, even for wearers of pacemaker or other devices and for pets.
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6. Can the AcarZero™ device disturb my dog or cat?
The mechanical sound waves emitted by the AcarZero™ devices do not cause any disturbance and are totally safe, even for pets which, like humans, cannot hear them.
Some AcarZero™ PILLOW devices were tested by applying them to the collars worn by some widely differing species of dogs: Siberian Husky, Doberman, Irish Setter and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. In all cases, none of the animals showed signs of irritation when approaching the device or when wearing it on their collars for several weeks.
Therefore it has been empirically demonstrated that the AcarZero™ devices do NOT in any way disturb household pets. Indeed, although we have not emphasized this point, the AcarZero™ devices can prove useful not only in combating dust mites, but also ticks since they belong to a suborder of mites (Ixodida, which includes three families of ticks).
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7. Can the AcarZero™ BED device be installed on any mattress?
No, the AcarZero™ BED device can be installed on mattresses fit with the EasyLink™ air vent. We are currently expanding the range of brands using the EasyLink™ system in their mattresses and, in Italy, it is already available on many of the hypo-allergenic mattresses produced by Simmons, Trycel by Simmons and Flexlinea.
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8. Can the AcarZero™ PILLOW device be used with my current pillow?
Certainly! Just cover your pillow with an AcarZero™ dust mite-proof pillowcase of tightly woven, hypo-allergenic fabric with three-dimensional volumetric strip and a side pocket to hold the AcarZero™ PILLOW device.
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9. How many AcarZero™ BED devices must/can I install on my mattress?
The number of devices to be installed depends on the size of the mattress and the number of allergy sufferers that use it at one time.
In the case of a single bed mattress, we recommend installing the AcarZero™ BED device on one of the sides closest to the person's head (the most uncovered side).
In the case of a double bed used by only one allergy sufferer, we recommend installing it on the side where allergy sufferer sleeps, at the point closest to the person's head.
In the case of a double bed where both users suffer from allergies, we recommend installing it on both sides, again at the points closest to the allergy sufferers' heads.
The number of AcarZero™ BED devices that can be installed depends on the number of EasyLink™ connectors the mattress has (some models have two, some even have four).
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10. Do I have to install an AcarZero™ HOME device in each room?
The AcarZero™ HOME device effectively coves up to 90 cubic metres of open space. Since these are simply mechanical sound waves, they cannot pass through walls or closed doors. From the moment the device is turned on, the mechanical sound waves are emitted and slowly spread out through the room where it is installed; after a certain period of time they saturate the room and expand wherever air passes (the same way sounds actually do). To achieve maximum effect, however, it is best to install the AcarZero™ HOME device in each room you wish to clear, or keep free, of dust mites.
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11. Do the AcarZero™ devices replace the common preventive medicine recommended for dust mite allergy sufferers?
No, the AcarZero™ devices are in addition to the guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and, recommendations that must always be followed to get the most from your AcarZero™ device and not void its effect.
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12. What is the best defence possible against dust mites for severe allergy sufferers?
Since the room where the person spends the most time is the bedroom, before moving on to the other rooms, your fight against the dust mites should concentrate on this room and, in particular, on the bed. Besides following the guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization, it is above all advisable to remove the mattress cover and wash it (if this is possible) or replace it. If this is not possible, vacuum the surfaces and sides with a vacuum cleaner fit with a HEPA filter; to prevent ruining the mattress cover itself, this vacuum cleaner should run at a lower power, that is below 1,000 Watts (AcarZero™ has developed one specifically designed for padded mattresses www.aspirac.it).
Instead, if you have purchased a new mattress, we recommend choosing one composed of synthetic materials. It should be possible to remove and replace the mattress cover and the mattress itself must be fit with the EasyLink™ vent so the AcarZero™ BED can be installed.
At the very least, the pillow should be encased in a cover, better if fit with an AcarZero™ PILLOW device since this is the item that comes into contact with the airways.
Finally, using an AcarZero™ HOME device lets you extend protection to the entire household, its action being applied over a broader spectrum, extending to household furnishings - such as curtains, carpets, rugs - and to other household environments where the allergy suffer spends time.
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13. What are the 4 levels of defence recommended by AcarZero™ for the bedroom?
AcarZero™ has identified 4 levels in the strategy for an effective defence against dust mites in the bedroom. If the allergies are particularly severe, it would be best to apply them all.
• Level 1 defence: choose a hypo-allergenic mattress - that is a mattress composed of synthetic materials and fit with cover that can be removed and replaced - produced by one of our partners (see "they have chosen us...").
• Level 2 defence: integrate into the mattress a defensive AcarZero™ BED system, made fully compatible by the patented EasyLink™ fastening system on the mattress.
• Level 3 defence: increase the degree of protection by covering your pillow with an AcarZero™ dust mite-proof pillowcase designed to hold the AcarZero™ PILLOW device.
• Level 4 defence: achieve peak levels of protection by integrating the use of AcarZero™ HOME device to protect the household environment.
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14. Why do I have to register my AcarZero™ device online?
While the AcarZero™ HOME device is powered by the electrical power supply, the AcarZero™ BED and PILLOW units are powered by batteries that last approximately 10 months. Once this time has elapsed, it needs to be replaced. And since, to that moment, they run silently, you might forget! When the batteries are running down, AcarZero™ takes it upon itself to send you an e-mail reminder at the address you provide us. When you register on this site, you will be asked to indicate which product you are using the device on because, if you use more than one device, installed at different times, it might be difficult for you to identify which one needs to be replaced. Moreover, we will also ask you to indicate where you purchased the unit because, in time, you might forget.
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15. I installed an AcarZero™ device a few days ago but have not seen any improvement.
As demonstrated by the Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory at the University of Camerino, Italy, the maximum effect is reached 90 days after installation. However, just 50 days after activation, you can see a dramatic reduction in the dust mite population and thus in the source of allergic reactions.
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16. I have to replace my AcarZero™ device but the shop where I purchased it has moved or no longer carries the product
AcarZero™ pledges to supply its customers with replacement AcarZero™ BED and PILLOW devices through this website if for some reason they are no longer available where they live.
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17. How long does an AcarZero™ device last? Does it have to be kept on both day and night?
The AcarZero™ BED and AcarZero™ PILLOW devices are battery powered; once turned on they must never be turned off and the battery life is approximately 10 months. The AcarZero™ HOME device, used to treat rooms, does not require replacement because it is electrically powered (220V). In all cases, these devices must always be left on; from the moment they are activated they must never be turned off. This ensures that they will have the greatest effect on the dust mites. The disturbance interferes with their mating, they lose their appetites and, consequently, die out. And these devices are completely silent: the risk is forgetting them... That is why we recommend registering!
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18. If the AcarZero Home device is set behind a curtain or a bedside table, will it work anyway?
To ensure the maximum effect, we recommend installing the AcarZero™ HOME device in a position that is as open as possible, without any obstacles in the immediate vicinity that would block the distribution of the mechanical sound waves that must slowly propagate through the room and, after a certain period of time, saturate the room and expand wherever air passes (the same way sounds actually do). This is why we recommend limiting the number of obstacles between device and room, obstructions that could absorb the sound waves.
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19. If I set an AcarZero™ HOME device in the bedroom, why do I need to use the other devices as well? Does it eliminate the dust mites throughout the room?
20. I can't apply the AcarZero™ BED on my mattresses. Is setting two AcarZero™ HOME devices in the bedroom, facing toward the mattress, an acceptable solution to eliminate (or decrease the number of dust mites)?
When the unit is set at a distance from the mattress, the mechanical sound waves emitted by the AcarZero™ HOME device find it difficult to penetrate the mattress structure. Therefore, if the mattress used is not arranged for application of the AcarZero™ BED device, it is better to use a single AcarZero™ HOME device (which, in all cases covers up to 90 cubic meters, e.g. a room measuring 6 x 5 metres) in conjunction with a AcarZero™ PILLOW unit installed in an AcarZero pillowcase, which can be used on every pillow, or in the special pocket in the Activ™ pillow. Then, don't forget the normal prevention measures: vacuum the mattress often (at a low power) and, upon getting up in the morning, uncover it, pulling back the sheets to allow the moisture from the body to dissipate. This also facilitates the action of the mechanical sound waves in the room.
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21. Does it only affect dust mites or also humidity-induced mould mites?
The effectiveness of the AcarZero™ device has been proven against dust mites (e.g. Dermatophagoides Pteronissus). However, the same devices have proved useful with ticks since they belong to a suborder of mites (Ixodida, which includes three families of ticks).
In theory, therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the AcarZero™ device would also be effective against the so-called "mould mites"; however, we do not currently have any scientific proof of this and so, at the present time, it can only be considered a reasonable expectation.
In all cases, if you wish to make an attempt, we recommend placing the AcarZero™ device, preferably the HOME model, in close proximity with the colony of mites found and, to wait at least 90 days to achieve peak effect.
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22. Why can't I use the AcarZero™ BED device on a "climate control" or "natural" mattress, but only an a "hypo-allergenic" model?
The "climate control" or "natural" mattresses are generally made of natural materials which, more than the "hypo-allergenic", retain the residues of skin shed and moisture emitted by the body during the night, thus affording dust mites a site to nest and thrive. Moreover, because of their very composition, it is generally not possible to remove and wash the covers of natural mattresses which, instead, would be best to wash away any mites present on the cover.
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23. When my AcarZero™ PILLOW device expires, do I have to replace the pillowcase as well?
Not at all. The pillowcase lasts practically forever. Just remove the run down device from the pocket and replace it with a new one. At this time we recommend washing the pillowcase in water to eliminate any dust mites present.
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24. Is the AcarZero™ pillowcase made of natural materials? Does it breathe?
The pillowcase is made of 100% polyester which differs from natural fabrics in that it is not subject to mould and bacteria and does not allow dust mites to nest. Moreover, as opposed to the normal dust mite-proof pillowcases on the market, which completely encase and insulate the pillow, the AcarZero™ pillowcase lets the pillow -which is steadily protected by the AcarZero™ PILLOW device installed in the pillowcase- to breathe, using a special breathable fabric at the centre. The parts that come into direct contact with the allergy sufferer's head are made of a tightly woven fabric that does not allow dust mites to pass through.
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25. What is the difference between the AcarZero™ pillowcases and the dust mite-proof pillowcases on the market?
The essential difference lies in the fact that the AcarZero™ pillowcase encases the pillow but still allows the passage of air, thus it does not alter the properties and normal performance of the pillow. Instead, a normal dust mite-proof pillowcase encases the pillow and creates a barrier that is practically impermeable to air, and this inevitably alters pillow ergonomics. What's more, a normal dust mite-proof pillowcase exerts the so-called "trap effect": it isolates the pillow from the environment, TRAPPING in the dust mites on the pillow where, with some difficulty, they continue growing (remember the dead mites become food for the living ones). Instead, since the AcarZero™ pillowcase holds the AcarZero™ PILLOW dust mite controller, it ELIMINATES THE DUST MITES FROM THE INSIDE OF THE PILLOW, preventing any new colonies from forming. Periodically washing the pillowcase and pillow enhance this protection.
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26. I am allergic to dust mites and my allergies are particularly severe in the fall and winter while they nearly disappear in the warm weather. During that period can I deactivate the AcarZero™ device?
All the devices must always be left on; from the moment they are activated they must never be turned off. This ensures that they will have the greatest effect on the dust mites. The disturbance interferes with their mating, they lose their appetites and, consequently, die out also during times when we are less sensible to allergens, to ensure consistent dust mites protection. And these devices are completely silent: the risk is forgetting them... That is why we recommend registering!
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27. If I purchase an AcarZero™ device on-line, how quickly will I receive it?
The orders are shipped immediately if payment is made with a credit card; for shipment we use the Italian Postal Service SDA service which normally makes delivery anywhere in Italy within 3-4 days.
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28. When I replace the AcarZERO™ BED device, will I have to wait another 90 days to reach the maximum effect?
No, not at all! What is important for all battery-powered devices is that the new one be activated as soon as the old one runs down. This guarantees ongoing coverage: this is why we recommend registering your device on-line as soon as you activate it. If you do, we will remind you when your battery is close to running down (after approximately 10 months).
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29. What is the difference in the effectiveness of the ACTIV™ pillow and the AcarZero™ pillowcase?
Installation of the AcarZero™ PILLOW device in an AcarZero™ pillowcase lets you continue using your current pillow. The AcarZero™ pillowcase encases the pillow and has a side pocket on the outside to hold the AcarZero™ PILLOW device.
In the ACTIV™ pillow - a medium-firm pillow made of machine washable, hollow core silicone-coated polyester fibre; suitable for people who sleep on their sides or backs - a small, practical zipper on the side lets you slip the AcarZero™ PILLOW device directly inside.
In both cases, the dust mites on the inside are not simply trapped in, rather, thanks to the AcarZero™ PILLOW dust mite controller, they are progressively eliminated and new colonies are prevented.
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30. Is it possible to determine how many dust mites AcarZero™ actually destroys? When the red light is on, does it provide any indication of this?
AcarZero™ is an university tested device proven to progressively reduce the dust mite population, however, it does not measure the quantity of dust mites eradicated. The red light goes on when the test button is pressed, thus proving that the device is functioning properly. However, to ensure correct, effective use of AcarZero™ and avoid hindering its dust mite control, it is extremely important to follow the World Health Organization guidelines for allergy sufferers https://www.acarzero.com/index.php/en/acarzero-electronic-dust-mite-controller-stop-dust-mites/acarzero-dispositivo-elettronico-antiacaro-who-guidelines, thus eliminating the environmental conditions conducive to dust mite reproduction.
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31. I turned on AcarZero BED and AcarZero PILLOW. The red light is off. It only goes on and flashes when I push the button… Are these devices working? Should the red light remain on or off?
After having removed the activation tab, the red light should go off and remain off. It goes on only when the test button is pressed, thus extending the life of the battery and proving that the device is functioning properly.